Life at Huhtamaki

Did you know that we are a community of more than 19,000 people in 37 countries? Today, we employ a global workforce that connects people from nearly 90 nationalities and where the full generational spectrum from gen z’ers to baby boomers provide invaluable experiences and perspectives.   
Join our global community! 

Hear from our people

At Huhtamaki, we are committed to creating a positive and productive work environment that fosters growth, development and engagement. This includes giving our people a voice in making Huhtamaki a great place to work. We are proud to share that in our recent global employee engagement survey, our people’s rating of the levels of engagement, leadership and inclusion exceeded those of our industry peers.

Meet our people and learn more about their stories

Our Huhtamaki People making a difference where it matters

Rahul Nene
Senior Manager Sustainability

Angela Ang
Planning Manager

Alex Doty
Senior Manager, Paperboard Tech

Yolanda Rodriguez
Production Area Manager, Fiber Foodservice  


Ying Gao
Operator in Guangzhou

Jürgen Enderle
Head of Supply Chain FWE, Flexible Packaging

Manuel Engstler
Manager Lacquer Production

Alexandra Soltyk
WCO Training Manager

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

At Huhtamaki we aim to attract and develop a workforce that reflects the places where we do business, and to nurture an inclusive workplace where everyone’s perspectives and ideas are respected and valued, where people are treated equitably and where everyone feels a sense of belonging.