Sustainability is not a trend anymore, it´s the present.
Huhtamaki Global Tube Laminates is aware of the great responsibility for the environment and is already today presenting the solution for tomorrow.
We are proud to announce that as of 2025 all products of our blueloop™ tube portfolio is either recyclable, reusable or compostable.
We can give this promise already today without any concerns, because we are sure about our approach working on the right topics, listen to the market and offer proven solutions for the problems of tomorrow.
Our slogan: We innovate the future” is our credo and so we are proud to announce having a recyclable laminate which is already commercial on tube laminates market.
Our newcomer becomes standard: the blueloop™ tube HD laminates.
blueloop™ tube HD is available, and this laminate supports our customers globally already today to achieve our joint sustainability targets. blueloop™ tube HD is our new standard for recyclable content.
Result of an intensive development journey is the solution with less material but the same skills as standard tube laminates. E.g. blueloop™ tube HD in 250µ is absolutely comparable with a standard PBL in 300µ and can replace all standard materials immediately. This effect saves up to 20 % material and weight of the tube body. All proven skills like perfect residual emptying or perfect runabiltiy on machines remain.
Our blueloop™ tube HD will be available in 220µ (11µEVOH), 250µ and 300µ (both with 15µ EVOH)
Blueloop™ tube HD meets all sustainable regulations and was approved by RecyClass with grade “A”. Up to that, our material is commercial and with a very short lead time globally available!
This newcomer shows, we are ahead of our time and our goal, to be fully sustainable until 2025 with blueloop™ tube HD is already today reality!
Have we caught your interest? Contact us today!