Huhtamaki (UK) Limited Pension and Life Assurance Scheme

The Trustees of UK Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes are required to produce a Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) and Implementation Statement for the scheme. These documents describe the policies governing the Trustees decisions regarding the pension schemes assets.
From 1st October 2020 the Trustees of all UK DB pension schemes are required to publish the Scheme’s SIP on a freely available website.
Please use the links below to access the current SIP, the associated Investment Implementation Document (IID) and Implementation Statement for the Huhtamaki (UK) Limited Pension and Life Assurance Scheme.
Statement of investment Principles
The following link will take you to the Statement of Investment Principles document for the Huhtamaki UK Limited Pension and Life Assurance Scheme (the Scheme), which sets out the Scheme’s governing decisions about investments. It includes the Trustees’ policies on how the Scheme’s assets are invested and how the Trustees address Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.
Statement of Investment Principles
Investment Implementation Document
Implementation Statement
The following link can be used to access the Implementation Statement for the Huhtamaki UK Limited Pension and Life Assurance Scheme. The Implementation Statement is a short report which demonstrates how the Trustees have acted on the principles contained within the SIP, with a focus on stewardship activities, implementation of main investment principles and ESG factors.
Scheme Contact Information
Please contact the Pension Scheme Administrators
Isio c/o SPS
PO Box 721
M5 0QT
Tel: 0118 373 1354