Jelle Post, Technology Validation Manager at Huhtamaki
As a leader in sustainable solutions, Huhtamaki is dedicated to providing packaging solutions that go beyond our customers’ needs and expectations. To become a proactive innovation catalyst for our partners across the value chain, we bring cutting-edge products to the market to open new opportunities through innovative fiber technology. We also maintain quick turnaround times for product development and prototyping, and customize solutions for specific business requests.
To develop game-changing packaging solutions, Huhtamaki must be bold in innovating quickly, learning fast and modifying again through our Build, Measure and Develop process loops, explains Herwin Wichers, Head of FMCG Category, Fiber Foodservice EAO. “In a typical sprint, which lasts four weeks, a product will go through multiple iterations with improvements each time. In this way, the product is able to reach the market faster.”
With our partners, we work together to substitute existing plastics. At the Huhtamaki Fiber Technology Centre in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, we are expanding development of our unique smooth molded fiber material which can be used to produce high-precision food packaging to replace rigid plastics. The end products are food-safe, of premium quality, strong, and lightweight that meet safety standards and extend the shelf life of food.
“With a company of the size of Huhtamaki, my role creates impact. We have the capabilities and infrastructure to innovate and develop breakthrough fiber solutions. Our team of experts – including marketing and sales leads, product designers, and the teams involved in testing and validation – helps to create viable and sustainable alternatives,” says Jelle Post, Technology Validation Manager at Huhtamaki
Packaging plays a fundamental role in protecting food, driving affordability and accessibility. Our goal is to ensure that food has the right packaging to keep food safe, extend its shelf life and give consumers the information they need. To make this a reality, we are working to build technology and infrastructure to create innovative fiber applications along with our partners. Together, we can redesign the future.
Find out more about Huhtamaki Fiber Solutions - The Future Redesigned